Shabby blog

Friday, October 30, 2020

COVID-19 Hasn't Been ALL Bad

Some of the greatest things that have happened during our current (Covid-19) pandemic is that: many people have been spending more time enjoying their families & friends, children are getting to know their parents on a whole new level and parents their children, scores of people have finally had time to get much needed rest, many people are happy to have time to take better care of their homes and yards as well as just relaxing more.  The best thing of all to me is that people (whose lives haven't been utterly side swiped or derailed by this virus) have become reacquainted with their hobbies and have been teaching them to others.

Sometimes it's very easy to forget that simple little pleasures (like working on a hobby or craft) can usher in peace of mind as well as give one a great sense of satisfaction.  Yesterday I stopped at a local gas station and came face to face with a lady who was wearing a mask I made.  I'm confident that I made the mask because it was vintage fabric that I couldn't bare to part with until our national need for mask emerged.  It was an extra large size mask & she was a healthy lady (my former weight made me think of  people whose faces are larger than average when I was making mask to donate). 

Which brings me to another point. I have loved the way many Americans have banded together once again to come to the aid of one another through service.  It is my ardent hope, wish & prayer that we will continue to make demands on craft manufactures, craft suppliers, and craft distributors so that our need for pleasant pass times will not become extinct in the United States of America.  Before COVID-19 the dwindling availability of sewing and crafting supplies, extinction was becoming a growing possibility.
